Defining routes

Let's create an instance of the class imported in the previous step:

import QuickWebServer from "./node_modules/@lyohaplotinka/quickwebserver/src/QuickWebServer.js";

const server = new QuickWebServer();

Now we can add route handlers. If you are familiar with Express for Node.js, this step will be familiar to you.

Note: In the current version of the server, only the GET and POST methods are available.

server.get('/', (request, response) => {
    response.send('Hello from QuickJS!');
});'/post', (request, response) => {
    response.send('Post: hello from QuickJS!');

Each handler is a function with two arguments. The first is the URL for which the handler is responsible, the second is the callback, in which the request and response objects are available, in which you can produce any data and respond to the request.

The callback can be an asynchronous function. Read more about request and response objects in the corresponding sections.

Starting the server

You can start accepting connections using the server.listen method. The default port is 3000, you can change it by passing a numeric argument to the method.
